May 2019 Newsletter
Greetings from STILL WATERS FARM AND GARDENS. Warmer Spring weather is here and activities around the farm have shifted into high gear. Every day is a full day filled with all sorts of tasks like starting seeds, weeding beds, transplanting seedlings, watering and harvesting. Weeding is probably one of the most important tasks to help the new plants thrive, however, it is also the least favorite chore we have. Accompanying our efforts in sowing Summer annuals, we continue to expand our perennials with the addition of hydrangeas, physocarpus, astilbe and multiple varieties of ferns. Rounding out our busy month, we also installed 2 new bee hives. We are very thankful for honeybees and how beneficial they are to our farm. In this edition of our newsletter, you can learn more about these latest activities and see what we are currently offering.
Dahlias and Chrysanthemums
Dahlias are some of the most colorful and diverse flowers that bloom over Summer and into early Fall. We planted several varieties of individual Dahlia tubers last year. Before Winter arrived, we dug up the tubers and were quite happy to find they had grown into clumps of tubers. Over the past month, we divided these clumps back into individual tubers, successfully multiplying what can be planted for this year. We potted some up to get a head start and others we left to be direct planted in the field. After separating them into color groups, we proceeded to plant them in our new Dahlia bed. We are eager to see the first blooms from these summer beauties.
Back in March, we received our 2019 order of Chrysanthemums from Kings Mums. After having these potted up under lights for about 5 weeks, they were ready to be planted out in the field. With all the little plants now nicely tucked into their beds, we wait for the opening act of a spectacular show that arrives in the Fall when these unique and vibrant heirloom mums burst forth with a cacophony of color.
The resulting clump of Dahlia Tubers after first year planting
Dahlia Tubers divided and potted up
Our Dahlia Bed planted out with tubers
Our bed of Chrysanthemums
Willows Ready for Planting
Earlier this year, we received an order of cuttings for 6 different varieties of willows (Red Curly, Green Curly, Burgundy Curly, Golden Curls, Giant Pussy Willow and Flame). We potted them up in 1 gallon pots and watched as they leafed out with new growth over the next 90 days. We have recently begun planting these out into a designated area that we now refer to as the “Willow Grove”.
Based on a recommendation, we decided to plant the willows into weed fabric which helps define the rows as well as keep weeding to a minimum (very important as mentioned before). It may seem like an easy task to dig a hole for a 1 gallon plant, but after doing this 40 times, it became quite tiring (and we still have 40 more to go ). Based on the growth rates, we are anticipating that willow cuttings could be available at the end of 2019. These vibrant woodies are perfect for those festive holiday and seasonal winter arrangements.
Willows ready for planting
Working on the Willow Grove
Current Offerings – Seasonal Flowers by the Stem, in Arrangements, Bouquet 🌼 Subscriptions and Wearables
For May, we will have the following flowers available for sale by the stem or in a garden style arrangement designed with seasonal foliage:
Dianthus, Larkspur, Snapdragons and many other hardy annuals.
If you are looking for that unique gift for someone special, then consider our Bouquet Subscription. With the purchase of a subscription, you will receive a hand-crafted bouquet of the freshest flowers every week based on the length of the subscription you choose.
We also are offering custom designed Floral Wearables including boutonnieres, wrist corsages and ring corsages. The designs can be personalized for color and the wearables can be coordinated if needed.
For more information about any of these items, please visit our online shop at
Seasonal Arrangements
Coordinated Boutonniere and Wrist Corsage
Our Story
STILL WATERS FARM AND GARDENS is a family run flower farm and floral design studio situated in the Mountain View community of Catawba County. Our farm offers seasonal specialty cut flowers 🌼, foliages 🌾 and edibles 🌿 to florists, restaurants and supermarkets. We also offer lovely garden style bouquets and arrangements using flowers and greenery carefully selected and harvested fresh from our fields. Our products are available for purchase at our seasonal roadside Farm Stand and online* at Though we are growing all year round, our flowers and arrangements are offered beginning in early Spring and ending in late Fall.
Whether you are looking for a custom arrangement or several buckets of flowers, we look forward to serving your floral needs.
* – Available for delivery in Hickory, NC and surrounding areas